We Are Not Alone Showcase: Ellen Allien, Métaraph, Tigerhead - Dürer Kert

We Are Not Alone Showcase: Ellen Allien, Métaraph, Tigerhead - Dürer Kert

Dürer Kert

April 30, 2025 22:00

Gate time22:00

Dürer Kert
We Are Not Alone Showcase: Ellen Allien, Métaraph, Tigerhead - Dürer Kert
  • General admission

    Super Early Bird
    7500 Ft
    Sold out
  • General admission

    Early Bird
    8500 Ft
  • General admission

    Pre-Sale 1.
    9500 Ft
    Inactive price
  • General admission

    Pre-sale 2.
    10 500 Ft
    Inactive price
  • General admission

    11 500 Ft
    Inactive price
Handling fee: 405 Ft

According to the Act XIII of 2022 on the "Itemized Tax on Small Businesses" (KATA) introduced on 18 July 2022, we can only issue invoices for this event to individuals.

We Are Not Alone landing in Budapest for the very first time 


On April 30th, the mothership touches down at Dürer Kert for a night of high-voltage frequencies, hypnotic beats, and intergalactic energy. Ellen Allien pilots the rave, transmitting pure techno madness straight to your soul. Joining the journey: Métaraph, Tigerhead, Technokool, and many more. Get ready for liftoff!

Dürer Kert

Dürer Kert

1117 Budapest, Öböl utca 1.

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Online tickets, pre-sale for clubs, festivals, event organizers and bands

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