PomPom Farsang x Veszprém

PomPom Farsang x Veszprém

ActiCity Tánc- és Mozgásművészeti Központ

February 10, 2024, 4pm

Gate time

PomPom Farsang x Veszprém
  • Sale has been closed.
Handling fee: 0 Ft

According to the Act XIII of 2022 on the "Itemized Tax on Small Businesses" (KATA) introduced on 18 July 2022, we can only issue invoices for this event to individuals.

Family carnival party on Saturday. The family rave - the country's coolest family party again in Veszprém!

Have you ever danced dressed as SpongeBob at 4pm? Have you ever partied with your husband and with your child giggling around your neck? Have you ever went crazy for bubbles over 30? It's time to be yourself during Metha's dj set organized in the afternoon just until....

dinnertime at Veszprém's coolest hall. House and pop and confetti party and carnival dance!

Entrance only with kids! 

ActiCity Tánc- és Mozgásművészeti Központ

8200 Veszprém, Hóvirág u. 1.

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For organizers

Online tickets, pre-sale for clubs, festivals, event organizers and bands

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