The Last Supper - Kristóf's Kitchen Diner Party at Vegan Garden
The last dinner party at Vegan Garden with Kristóf Steiner and his amazing Kristóf's Kitchen team!
We will have two dinners one at beginning at 18:00 and the other one at 20:00 o'clock.
The menu is the following:
"Purple Rain" - Beetroot bhaji "borzaska" with mint-coriander chutney
"Iron Man" - Spinach hummus with gluten-free mini bun
"Hungarians Do It Better" - Vegan "Lecsó" shakshuka with homemade sausage and vegan cottage cheese.
"Flódni-cheesecake" - Vegan cheesecake with chestnut and poppy, fresh apple and plum jam.
We hope you'l like it as much as we do! :)