Lumen Concert Album Launch at Lumen!

Dóra Győrfi initially learned Javanese gamelan singing, but lately, she has been showcasing her skills not only in traditional musical settings. She has appeared on Jü's third album and collaborated with Áron Porteleki two years ago for a live performance at Lumen, which turned out so well that it led to the creation of an album titled "Kapa-kapa, eke."
Áron Porteleki's musical roots also originate from folk music, particularly Hungarian folk music. However, those familiar with the Budapest underground scene know that he comfortably navigates through a multitude of musical worlds. His primary domain might be the realm of improvisation drawing from various styles, a creative approach to music.

The concert from 2021 was highly conceptual but primarily improvisational, and the upcoming performance is expected to offer a similarly unpredictable experience.

Dóra Győrfi - vocals, objects, etc.
Áron Porteleki - drums, electronics, vocals, viola, etc.

The limited edition, numbered album in cassette format, published by Prepost Records, will be available for purchase at the event!

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