Event Production Forum East - EPFE2023

Event Production Forum East - EPFE2023

Papp László Budapest Sportaréna

November 10, 2023

Gate time09:00

Event Production Forum East - EPFE2023
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We are proud to announce the 8th year of the Event Production Forum East, EPFE23


On the 10th November 2023, in the Gold Room, at the Budapest Arena, Hungary.
Doors open 09:00hrs for registration, first session 10:00hrs.

Firstly we want to say a sincere thanks to EPS, our Platinum partner again this year, Visual Europe Group and Continest Technologies Plc, who are also returning as our Gold partners this year. These valuable sponsorships allows us to maintain an inordinately low ticket price whilst presenting a world class product! 

EPFE (the Event Production Forum East) was initially aimed at the Central and Eastern European event market and the Production, Venue management, Promotion, F+B and Supply personnel involved. We have spread our market over the years so that we now attract delegates from Dubai to Dublin, and beyond, wherever you are from you are welcome. Our supporters refer to us being the only International Production Meeting in Europe.

This year the Event Production Forum East will continue in the same format as previously, 4 major sessions, two either side of lunch and coffee breaks followed, in the evening by a free dinner and drinks. Subject matter is related to production in venues of all shapes and sizes, clubs, pubs, arena, stadia, tours and festivals,  greenfield and brownfield.
With regards to panels, there are four.

The panels are “Is it really so difficult?”, referring to a subject which is talked about too often and little appears to be done. We want to change that in CEE.
When talking to Sanjin Corovic, a partner in Production Pool d.o.o, based in Belgrade in Serbia, about people coming into the industry, he shocked me by saying there is a severe lack of education in the disciplines needed in our industry in the former Jugoslavia and the surrounding countries.. 

So Sanjin will chair/moderate, whatever it is these days, the panel, which will talk about education, apprenticeships and other assistance that can be given. Those that are actually doing something about this, in this industry, will be there talking with him. These will be Professor Romana Boskovic Zivanovic, she is an Academic working in Novi Sad, Serbia, but is also an Architect specialising in stage design and technique, an artist and much more, also Mike Lowe co-founder and director of Britannia Row Productions and Chair of the production industry charity Stagehand and Janos F Fazakas from Visual Europe Group, Tech Enthusiast, Creative Thinker, 20 years in the event industry. A wonderful bunch of people.

Another panel is “Do you remember when we didn’t have all this s****!!” will feature those who have been in this industry for a few good years, who can remember what it was like twenty to thirty years ago and can compare it with now. Have things improved, can they get better or would we have been better off leaving it as it was?

Chairing, moderating, (whatever…) will be Nika Brunet Milunovic, who amongst other things is responsible for the organisation of the biggest music Festival in Slovenia, Metaldays. Amongst other beliefs, Nika has a vision of the future where sustainable, low carbon footprint, zero waste events are not fiction anymore but a reality. She is also a mentor and enthusiastic about mentoring and supporting young music and event professionals.  
On the panel will be Cser Balint, Production Manager for Live Nation, Central and Eastern Europe, a veteran of music event production, who has been responsible for the production of just about every major concert in the CEE for years.  
He will be joined by Nick Love, internationally respected Health and Safety expert, who ran away and joined a circus at the tender age of sixteen, has been H+S Manager at the Wimbledon LTA Championships several times, has worked in the music industry, tours with the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Florence and the machine were two of his gigs and now concentrates on the Film Industry as well as owning a boutique (wee) festival site. 
We are also delighted to welcome Jackie Slade, who for a long time now has been the  Site Manager, overseeing the overall production of the Glastonbury Festival, was involved in production of the Birmingham Commonwealth Games in ‘22 and also the London Olympics in 2012. Along with this she has had involvement with sundry other festivals and events.

One more panel. “The real legacy of covid19??”. When I spoke to Tibor Lak, the CO of Budapest Arena, recently, he was jumping up and down because yet another band had cancelled at the last minute. This is something that is happening more and more apparently. Why? Further discussions, with Tibor and others, were about audience behaviour, people seem today to be less caring of others and more self-centred. A problem all over Europe as we understand it. All of this seems to be getting worse since the pandemic. Late arrival of the audience, a problem for ages, seems to be getting worse and, as we all know, cyber attacks are prevalent these days. How are the ticketing agencies defending themselves?
We will have people who know what they are talking about, along with the audience, discussing ways around these problems. Who knows, maybe even solutions? 
One of these will be Balazs Varga, TIXA, Ticketing Specialist/Concert Promoter, who has been working throughout the CEE for a good few years now and has been helping EPFE since day one, which is appreciated.
We are, as you all know, always determined not to be just a “talking shop” but wanting our delegates to walk away with solutions or suggestions in their heads for use in the future. 

Final session of the day.. People have said they want to see the “Dinosaur Panel” again, thank you. OK, you are going to get two Industry Veterans who really qualify as Dinosaurs this year, they are almost my age…. Mick Worwood and Paul Pike.
Mick, the first person to introduce in Europe and the USA, Rock Tour Merchandising, then in Europe, with Paul Pike, Rock Music Licensing and Sponsorship and Venue Concessions. A Rolling Stones Tour, in 1973, started Mick’s career in Merchandising.
Paul joined with Mick some years later, having previously been involved with the Bay City Rollers, The Osmond Brothers and others, both saw an advantage in working together.
Both were heavily involved in the Live Aid concert, at Wembley, in 1985.  
Mick also conceived and produced, in 1990, the Roger Waters’ + Special Guests performance of “The Wall” concert in Berlin, on the “killing ground” between the two walls once separating East and West Berlin. It was described, in the Guinness Book of Records, as “Largest Live Music Production ever in the world.”  
Later Paul got involved, in the early days of the use of IT connectivity, with Access Control and Cashless systems, he continues today, successfully, primarily at major European festivals.
Mick now acts as Consultant to those in need of an “educated entrepreneur”.

In the evening there is a free meal and drinks, followed by even more networking.. we used to call it drinking and having a right good evening..
Tickets are available, at only (including 27%Vat + City Tax)  - 30000huf

If you need a hotel room, then we have a deal with The Hotel Arena, right next door to the venue: https://www.danubiushotels.com/en/carl-a-h-martin-group


We look forward to seeing you all, regulars and new faces, all welcome.

“EPFE23. You can talk, be listened to, learn from others and enjoy life…”


Papp László Budapest Sportaréna

1143 Budapest, Stefánia út 2.

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