Napturbina ❍ Eclair Fifi (UK) ❍ Route 8 & Soundbank ❍ Switch Nollie & Adis Is OK // Turbina

Napturbina ❍ Eclair Fifi (UK) ❍ Route 8 & Soundbank ❍ Switch Nollie & Adis Is OK // Turbina

Turbina Kulturális Központ

January 15. 2022

Gate time13:00

Turbina Kulturális Központ
Napturbina ❍ Eclair Fifi (UK) ❍ Route 8 & Soundbank ❍ Switch Nollie & Adis Is OK // Turbina
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We hope that we don’t have to introduce Éclair Fifi to any of you: the always cheerful Scottish has been charming her audiences all over the world for years now. If you haven’t heard about her before, let us tell you, that next to her crazy energies and catchy house-melodies, no one can stay still. We can’t wait to party with Fifi, and we’re going to make sure to turn the whole Napturbina upside down while she’s picking tunes in the Main Hall.
For the rest of the evening you can catch faces familiar from both the Budapest nightlife, and our beloved summer festivals behind the desks. It will be Switch Nollie, Adis Is Ok, Soundbank and Route 8 who will join us during the party.
Competing with the dancing power plant downstairs, the artists of the patika tattoo collective will be waiting for you with sick flashes in our bistro, filled with fresh juices, rejuvenating bowls and delicious drinks. If the rumors are true, the Block Stock Vintage pop up store will also join us, with some quality hand-picked clothing pieces. See less

Turbina Kulturális Központ

Turbina Kulturális Központ

1082 Budapest, Vajdahunyad u. 4.

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