Dalversek Adventben 4.0

Dalversek Adventben 4.0

Kossuth utcai református templom - Győr

December 13, 2024 19:00

Gate time

Dalversek Adventben 4.0
  • Sale has been closed.
Handling fee: 0 Ft

Songs and song poems about God, the miracle, the birth, the waiting, and the fulfillment. Every moment is filled with an elevated atmosphere. A celebration. Tamás Seres has put together another bouquet upon our request, from cheerful, heartfelt, and emotional Advent-Christmas lyrics, which will be performed this time by Eszter Balla and Csaba Debreczeny, accompanied by Lotfi Begi’s unique musical arrangement.

The program will be in Hungarian, requiring language proficiency.

Kossuth utcai református templom - Győr

9025 Győr, Kossuth Lajos u. 9.

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