Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: A kis herceg - esti előadás

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: A kis herceg - esti előadás

Kossuth utcai református templom - Győr

December 8, 2024 19:00

Gate time

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: A kis herceg - esti előadás
  • Sale has been closed.
Handling fee: 0 Ft

For children, adults, and adults with a child's heart, ages 6 to 99. The performance is a journey through time—at times a tale or a song, sometimes narration, and sometimes effects and atmosphere. This unique musical fairy tale theater is based specifically on the original text and illustrations, featuring Miklós Vecsei H. and Lóránt Csorba, directed by Tamás Seres. Performances for children in the afternoon, and for adults in the evening.

The program will be in Hungarian, requiring language proficiency.

Kossuth utcai református templom - Győr

9025 Győr, Kossuth Lajos u. 9.

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