Flanger Kids (HU)

Gyarmati Fanny és Szczuka Panka elektronikus bedroom duója 2020 óta szakít ki minket dalaival a valóságból és repít el más létállapotokba. Az éteri vokálokhoz kontrasztos zenei textúra párosul, amely néhol puhább, máshol nyers vagy éppen kaotikus. A Telekom Electronic Beats válogatáslemezén debütáló első számuk (In Your Room) után Zságer Balázs szerződtette őket kiadójához, a Move Gently Recordshoz, ahol azóta két EP (Dreaming of a Better World, Slowly) és három single (Figure It Out, Beantown, Start Over) látott napvilágot. Áprilisban érkezik az első nagyobb lélegzetvételű lemezük, aminek előfutárát, a Hideaway-t és az ahhoz készült videóklipet elsőként a Három Hollóban mutatják be március 18-án.

Flanger Kids is an up-and-coming electro pop duo from Budapest. Their tunes are based on 80's synth textures mixed with cosmic guitar riffs and soft and catchy vocals. Their debut song ‘In Your Room’ is featured on the Popping compilation by Telekom Electronic Beats Hungary. Their songs are written in a bedroom where the goal isn't to achieve a perfect sound, rather experimenting with new ideas of production. Under the label Move Gently Records -lead by Balázs Zságer- they have released two EPs (Dreaming of a Better World, Slowly) and three singles (Figure It Out, Beantown, Start Over) so far. Their new album is coming out in April, but on March 18 they're releasing Hideaway - a single from the coming album. The first live performance of Hideaway will take place in Három Holló.

Stefania Avolio (IT)

Stefania Avolio was born in Verona, she took up the piano at a very young age. She’s graduated in piano from the Conservatory of Music in Verona (IT).
She collaborates with the composer and pianist Lorenzo Masotto on several pieces and performed on 5 dates California tour in 2018.
She composed and released an album "Natural Element" in 2020 of modern classical with piano, voice and loop station, which was enthusiastically received by critics throughout Europe. Her second album "Roots of Rebirth" was released on July 28, 2022 which is a mix of pop and electronic immersed in a contemporary breath.
Her genre combines electronic synth pop with ethereal voice, deep backing voices, and a piano sound inspired by classical music.
In the last year, she played in Sweden, Hungary, Germany and also in Italy.