According to the Act XIII of 2022 on the "Itemized Tax on Small Businesses" (KATA) introduced on 18 July 2022, we can only issue invoices for this event to individuals.

'Budapest Special'

Support Ryan McGarvey with buying these online tickets.

Every month, among the buyers of supporter tickets, we will draw tickets for other LOTS Music concerts until October 2023.

Write us for more information, and if you would like to join this campaign in the name of your venue or town, where Ryan McGarvey regularly perfmored earlier.

IMPORTANT: Supporter tickets purchased here do NOT apply to a specific concert date in Budapest! October 30, 2023 is Ryan McGarvey's birthday, so it is also the planned end date of our support campaign. The purchase of tickets serves to support our dear friend and returning performing guest, it does not entitle you to enter an actual event on the indicated date.