Don’t miss the all-new show by Scotland's own international comedy superstar!
Daniel Sloss has sold out seven New York off-Broadway seasons, appeared on U.S TV’s ‘Conan’ ten times, broken Edinburgh Festival Fringe box office records and toured in 53 countries (so far..!)
His previous smash-hits include ‘HUBRiS’ (the biggest global comedy show f or most of 2021 as reported in Pollstar) and the acclaimed, ground- breaking ‘X’ (which played a staggering 300 performances world-wide, including throughout 35 European countries, UK, North America, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan and with sold out additional seasons in New York and Los Angeles. The live concert film of ‘X’ was release d nationwide at Vue, becoming the first comedy special to have a UK cinematic premiere.
Penguin published Daniel’s first book “Everyone You Hate is Going to Die” in 2021, and his Netflix specials ‘DARK’ & ‘Jigsaw’ are streaming in 190 countries (and 26 languages). The infamous ‘Jigsaw’ is credited with causing over 120,000 breakups and 300 divorces world-wide (fans still ask him to autograph their divorce papers at shows).
We are excited to welcome Daniel's incredible 12th solo show to MoM Sport Budapest. – BOOK EARLY!
Special guest KAI HUMPHRIES *
‘Dirty, sweet and clever’ (New York Times)
*Guest may be subject to change
Please be advised that the performance begins promptly at the time indicated and late admittance is not guaranteed. It is a condition of entry that ticket holders agree to not
photograph, film, record or stream the show. Contains strong language. Age 16+
This show will be performed in English without translation.
Running time: 2hrs+ (with interval!)