Jose Cardenas @ Bracelit

What's the second most important thing at a concert or festival? Right! Not losing your wallet. Jose revolutionizes payments at huge events with smart bracelets that allows you to leave your wallet at a safe place and still be able to buy that last beer. Given to you by the organizer it comes with a whole management system that controls entry access, creates stats of consumption, etc.

Javier Varela @

Say your designer mind just came up with a product, and you are ready to sell it. What would you do next? What's the first step? Which channel to use? Is it going to be a success? To save you time and money Javier will create a new brand and promotion, boost your sales through digital channels both national and international and manage all digital funnel steps for you so you can move on to the next chapter in what you are the best: creating something new, again.

Victor Gomez @

Photography is one of the best examples for learning by doing. While books and blogs can give you enough material for the theoretical knowledge, you really need practice to improve your skills. However, just taking thousands of pictures will not make you a talented photographer. Victor and his professional team created an online platform, say coursera for photography, that aims to boost your carreer through regular feedback given on practical homeworks and tasks.